Notices -

Monday 2nd of September, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All International Student Assembly OBL Thu 5 Sep 8.45 GBE
  There is an assembly for international students on Thursday during homeroom time in the OBL (Old Boys Lounge).

Notices Staff
All Basketball, Rugby, Footballs TPL
  Are for the field/court areas only please.

All Chess Competition XSK
  Chess Competition in the library today.

All Formal Uniform TPL
  Mondays and Fridays. For year 11-13 this includes your blazer. Please ensure your uniform and appearance is of a high standard. This includes clean shoes!

All Litter TPL
  Own it, pick it up. Please play your part in keeping our campus to a high standard. Many thanks

All Out of Bounds TPL
  The Music Practice rooms at interval and lunchtime.

All Reminder ABR
  A reminder to all students that there is NO tackle rugby during break times - games must be TOUCH ONLY.

All Rugby selection Team 2A/2B Team OAA
  Meet at the gym right after school to prepare for the game against the 'Apifo'ou U17 Team from Tonga. Please make sure to hand in your $10.00 contribution to Mr. Afu or Mr. Stowers before lunch today.

Year 12 Student representative on BOT 2024-2025 TPL
  If you are interested in applying for the position of Student representative on the Board of Trustees for 2024-2025, please see Mrs Purcell for a nomination form and further information. Nominations close Wed 4 Sept at 12 noon.

Years 9&10 Juinor Waka Ama KJS
  Junior waka ama – There is a short meeting at the start of lunchtime today for those who signed up. Important information will be given out for the ‘Have a go’ day this Saturday. Hostel boys who signed also need to attend.