Notices -

Tuesday 27th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Year 9 National team Year 9 Readers' Cup Library Mon 26 Aug 11:50 TRN
  Meetings will recommence from Monday. Please keep adding your questions to the Goggle document. Remember you need to be a specialist in 3 of the novels of the 6 you are reading. Please return signed letter to Mrs Robertson.

Years 9&10 Junior Boys Volleyball Trials School Gym Thu 29 Aug 12:50pm MHS
  This is a reminder to all boys wishing to try out for the Junior Boys Volleyball Team.
Trials are on Thursday at lunchtime in the gym. Please ensure you bring your trainers.
If you are a boarder, please excuse yourself from mass.

Years 9&10 Mathex K11 Tue 27 Aug 12.50pm RRH
  Meeting to discuss shared lunch for all Year 9 and 10 Mathex members and reserves in K11 at the beginning of lunchtime today.

Years 9&10 Waka Ama F9 Thu 15 Aug 10:50am KJS
  Have a go Waka Ama, if you are interested, please go see Mr Huu on Thursday.

Notices Staff
All Chess Competition XSK
  A reminder to all students participating in the Chess Competition to check their emails and come to the Library at lunchtime today if they have a game.

All Legends 2024 JBN
  Legends will be held on the last Friday of term. Applications are open on the portal. Please sign up.

All Young Vinnies Cooking DSE
  LAST cooking meals for the Foodbank after school on Tuesday in F4.

All Young Vinnies meeting DSE
  Every Wednesday in R10 at Interval

Year 9 Dodgeball Competition JSA
  The last round of Dodgeball will be taking place this Friday 30/08/24. Game 1 is 9LMY vs. 9AFN and Game 2 is 9AFN vs. 9PKA. Please ensure you have your PE gear. No gear, no play.

Year 9 Year 9 RE Rotation - Tuesday 27/08 JFL
  All Year 9 Students begin their fifth rotation with a new RE teacher on Tuesday 27/08/24

9RED-A had Br Murray - go to Dr Davies in F12
9RED-B had Fr Berecz - go to Br Murray in K5
9RED-C had Br Kevin - go to Fr Berecz in R4
9RED-D had Br Anthony - go to Br Kevin in K1
9RED-E had Mr Kavanagh - go to Br Anthony in K17
9RED-F had Mr Farley - go to Mr Kavanagh in K4
9RED-G had Dr Davies - go to Mr Farley in R5

Years 11-13 Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for Mocks and NCEA 2024 BBK
  All Level 2 & 3 NCEA students need to read the recent email they received listing their Special Assessment Conditions for Mocks and NCEA Externals. Any changes need to be made by Friday 30 August. Please see Mrs Bradnick in R19 or email her with any questions  [email protected]

Years 7&8 Junior Robotics MGN
  Junior Robotics meets every Tuesday and Friday at lunchtime in Room R10.