Notices -

Friday 23rd of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
All Chess Competition XSK
  Can all students involved in a game for the Chess Competition please come to the Library at Lunchtime today.

All Legends 2024 JBN
  Legends will be held on the last Friday of term. Applications are open on the portal. Please sign up.

All Out of Bounds at interval and lunch. TPL
  The Music Practice Rooms, Auditorium Foyer.

All Rugby Football and basketball balls TPL
  Are not permitted in the Upper, Lower Quads, Centennial Square or areas of high density glass.

Year 9 Dodgeball Tournament JSA
  The year 9 dodgeball tournament is on today. The first game is 9BBY vs 9JTR. The second game is 9HKN vs 9PKA. All players must be at the gym at the start of lunch ASAP and in proper PE gear or you will not be playing.

Years 11-13 Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for Mocks and NCEA 2024 BBK
  All Level 2 & 3 NCEA students need to read the recent email they received listing their Special Assessment Conditions for Mocks and NCEA Externals. Any changes need to be made by Friday 30 August. Please see Mrs Bradnick in R19 or email her with any questions  [email protected]

Years 11-13 Student drivers TPL
  Please ensure you submit your completed permission form if bringing a vehicle to school

Years 7&8 Junior Robotics MGN
  Junior Robotics meets every Tuesday and Friday at lunchtime in Room R10.