Notices -

Monday 19th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All International student assembly Theatre Wed 21 Aug 8.45 GBE
  There is an assembly for international students in the theatre during homeroom on Wednesday morning.

Year 10 High Ropes Students Gym Mon 19 Aug Interval BMK
  All Year 10 High Ropes students need to meet with Mr Madgwick in the Gym at interval today.

Years 9&10 Mathex K11 Tue 20 Aug 12.50pm RRH
  Last Mathex practice before the competition tomorrow. All must attend this meeting from the beginning of lunchtime on Tuesday in K11.

Notices Staff
All Chess Competition Round 2 - Monday 19th XSK
  Can the following students come to the library Today for the chess competition:

Ricky Paris-Williams - 7EPT
Will Parkinson - 7JHN
Joseph Mafi - 9PKA
Finlay Gray - 9PKA
Ezekiel Mealamu - 9AFN
Lisiate Fotofili - 9JTR
Kristopher Lee - 9JTR
Metali - 9HKN
Theo Hunt - 10NME
Hayden Kwan - 10BBN
Sam Chan - 11DGS
Moses Fan - 12AJN

All Formal Uniform TPL
  Mondays and Fridays. Blazers for seniors. Clean and polished shoes please.

All free chromebook cases DSE
  We have a few Chromebook cases free to a good home, if you need one for your device. See Mrs Halla in R19.

All Litter TPL
  Take responsiblity and keep our campus clean.

All Out of Bounds at interval and lunch. TPL
  The Music Practice Rooms, Auditorium Foyer.

All Young Vinnies Cooking DSE
  Cooking meals for the Foodbank after school on Tuesday in F4.

Year 9 Year 9 Dodgeball Competition JSA
  The year 9 dodgeball tournament starts today. The first game is 9XSK vs 9BBY. The second game is 9DNO vs 9JTR. All players must be at the gym at the start of lunch ASAP and in proper PE gear or you will not be playing.

Years 9&10 Junior Volleyball MHS
  If there are boys who are interested in junior volleyball this year there will be a meeting on Monday 19/08/2024 in K7 at morning tea with Mr. Holder-Smith.
Junior boys are year 9 and 10 students.
The season kicks off in Term 4.